Kisah di Balik Hero Broodmother Dota 2
Kisah di Balik Hero Broodmother Dota 2
Haii gan Balik lagi deh ehhe pegel nih posting satu persatu nanti mimin kasih batch semua lore hero dota deh hari ini. sementara nunggu mending baca ini dulu :)
In a later age, the Vizier of Greed, Ptholopthales, erected his lodestone ziggurat on the slopes of the dead volcano, knowing that any looters who sought his magnetic wealth must survive the spider-haunted passages. After millennia of maternal peace, Black Arachnia found herself beset by a steady trickle of furfeet and cutpurses, bold knights and noble youths—all of them delicious, certainly, and yet tending to create a less than nurturing environment for her innocent offspring.
Tiring of the intrusions, she paid a visit to Ptholopthales; and when he proved unwilling to discuss a compromise, she wrapped the Vizier in silk and set him aside to be the centerpiece of a special birthday feast. Unfortunately, the absence of the Magnetic Ziggurat's master merely emboldened a new generation of intruders. When one of her newborns was trodden underfoot by a clumsy adventurer, she reached the end of her silken rope. Broodmother headed for the surface, declaring her intent to rid the world of each and every possible invader, down to the last Hero if necessary, until she could ensure her nursery might once more be a safe and wholesome environment for her precious spiderspawn.
Selama berabad-abad, Black Arachnia sang Ibu Raksasa mengintai di tabung lava gelap di bawah kaldera Gunung Pyrotheos yang membara, membesarkan jutaan spiderling dengan aman sebelum mengirimnya untuk mencari mangsa di dunia luas di atas.
Ketika salah satu bayi yang baru lahir diinjak-injak oleh seorang petualang canggung, dia mencapai ujung tali sutra. Broodmother menuju ke permukaan, menyatakan niatnya untuk menyingkirkan dunia dari setiap penyerbu yang mungkin, sampai ke Pahlawan terakhir jika perlu, sampai dia bisa memastikan pembibitannya mungkin sekali lagi menjadi lingkungan yang aman dan sehat untuk spiderspawn yang berharga.
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