
10 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee You May Not Know About!

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee You May Not Know About!

10. Reducing the risk of developing Diabetes

This doesn’t apply if you drink your coffee with 5 spoons of sugar. So please, control yourself. It appears that caffeine can increase both glucose and insulin, so if you are a person who already has diabetes, then you must be cautious. However, if you don´t have diabetes, by drinking coffee you could lower your risk for developing diabetes type II. With every mug of coffee we ingest, our risk lowers 7%. Still, this should be complemented with a healthy diet and exercise.

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9. Prevents Alzheimer’s disease

This merciless disease that attacks the human body has shown to be less common in people that usually drink coffee than in those who don’t. A new study concluded that coffee can reduce the levels of beta amyloid by 50%. This is a destructive protein commonly found in the brain of people with Alzheimer’s. That´s a very nice thought to have while you proceed to drink your third cup of the day.

8. Protects the liver

New studies report that coffee is in fact the best friend of your liver. Drinking moderate amounts of coffee may prevent liver cancer, according to the World Health Organization. Also, coffee reduces the risk of fibrosis and cirrhosis. So the next time you have a hangover from a crazy night, don’t forget to drink a very warm cup of coffee the next morning.

7. Improves physical performance

If you want a slim figure and a good physical performance, then you should consider thinking of coffee as your best friend. Consuming coffee can cause a good improvement in your metabolism, along with reducing muscles’ fatty acids.This is no secret to athletes and U.S military, because they know very well that coffee can actually improve the physical and psychological performance of a person. Apparently, caffeine has a good effect on hydration, which is very useful to soldiers enduring the heat of Iraq, for example.

6. Lowers the risk of developing prostate cancer

A study performed in 2011 in more than fifty thousand men, discovered than those who drink 6 cups a day had a risk 60% lower to contract prostate cancer, and those who drink 3 cups lowered their risk to almost 50%. So go tell your man to get the coffee machine started.

5. Lowers the risk of a stroke

A prospective study of 26,556 male Finnish smokers reported that risk of developing a non-hemorrhagic stroke was reduced by 12% in those who drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day. The risk was even lower (23%) in those that consumed coffee in a heavier way, 6 or more cups per day, all this compared to those who drank only 2 or less cups of coffee.

4. Coffee is an antioxidant

All the previous advantages of drinking coffee can be traced back to the fact that coffee is a very powerful source of antioxidants.  In one study, researchers looked at the antioxidant content of different foods by serving size. Coffee was the eleventh on the list, after different types of berries. Antioxidants have plenty of biological advantages and are considered important for the overall health of the human body. Don’t forget your antioxidants!

3. Improves reflexes and concentration

It is a well-known fact that people tend to consume coffee when they need to stay awake and focused. C’mon, we all have wished for a delicious cup of coffee when it’s past midnight and your essay isn’t finished yet. Caffeine has shown to stimulate the areas of the brain in command of concentration, planning, attention and monitoring. However, you must be careful when drinking coffee at night, because it might alter your sleeping pattern, which causes many consequences.

2. Enhances circulation

Coffee has shown to be able to promote the blood circulation of a person, which leads to a healthier skin and many other improvements. An increase in blood flow or circulation in the body can help benefit the heart and the body’s muscles and arteries throughout the body. Increased blood circulation improves oxygen rich blood flow to extremities.

1. However, coffee is not a medicine

Although this article is all about promoting the advantages of drinking coffee, like most things in this world, exaggerated consumption of coffee or caffeine can lead to complete different results. Always remember than everything in excess can be bad for your health, even water. So make sure to control your diet and level of exercise in order to live a very healthy life.

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